'Each man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world'
-- Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms

'Artists are tricky fellows sir, forever shaping the world according to some design of their own'
-- Jonathan Strange, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Data Sets and Resources

Data Sets

Costs of War
"The goal of the Costs of War project has been to outline a broad understanding of the domestic and international costs and consequences of the wars Iraq and Afghanistan"

Policy Implications: Lt-Col Tammy Duckworth who is running for congress (as of December 2011) has highlighted the unforeseen costs of care for combat veterans which will be ongoing even after the withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Advances in battlefield armour and trauma medicine have seen many soldiers survive what would previously have been mortal injuries. The hidden or unforeseen costs of modern warfare amongst the population which puts soldiers on the ground in a foreign nation conducting military operations other than war deserves serious attention.

UCLA Ethnic Power Relations
"The Ethnic Power Relations dataset (EPR) identifies all politically relevant ethnic groups and their access to state power in every country of the world from 1946 to 2005."

PRIO Studies of Civil War
"CSCW has developed a set of datasets for use in the study of the determinants of armed conflict. In addition, CSCW has adapted several other datasets for use in quantitative studies of armed conflict."

Correlates of War
"The Correlates of War project seeks to facilitate the collection, dissemination, and use of accurate and reliable quantitative data in international relations."

Iraq Body Count
"Iraq Body Count is an ongoing human security project which maintains and updates the world’s largest public database of violent civilian deaths during and since the 2003 invasion."


"Provider of DoD Technical Information to Support the Warfighter"

Combined Arms Research Library at Ft. Leavenworth has a digital archive facility

NDU Library
Digital Archives also MERLN

Barak Mendelsohn's compilation of terrorism resources
Comprehensive. Nicholas Lotito, Haverford College class of 2010, and updated by Katie Drooyan, Haverford College class of 2011, under the direction of Assistant Professor of Political Science Barak Mendelsohn.